Journal Articles

[1] Oda T, “Traffic Signal Optimization Control Method at Critical Intersections”, Transactions of ISCIE, Vol. 9, No. 11, pp. 520-5291996)(in Japanese

[2] Oda T, “Determining Method of Cycle Length for Minimizing the Total Delay in Urban Road Network”, Transactions of ISCIE, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 493-5011996)(in Japanese

[3] Oda T, Otokita T., Tsugui T. and Hashiba K., “Application of Search Methods to Optimization of Traffic Signal Timings in Traffic Flow Model in TRANSYT”, Transactions of ISCIE, Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 647-6551997)(in Japanese

[4] Oda T., “Prediction of Travel Time on Arterial Roads Using Vehicle Detector Information”, Transactions of ISCIE, Vol. 10, No. 10, pp. 547-5551997)(in Japanese

[5] Kuwahara M., Mugikura T., Niikura S., and Oda T., “OD Demand Estimation from Beacon Information”, JSTE Journal of Traffic Engineering, pp.15-21, (1998) in Japanese

[6] Oda, T and Leo J., “Optimization of Coordinated Traffic Signal Timings in Urban Road Network”, Transactions of ISCIE, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 364-3741998)(in Japanese

[7] Oda T, Otokita T., Tsugui T. and Hashiba K., “Meta-heuristic Optimization of Sub-area Decomposition in Urban Road Networks”, Transactions of ISCIE, Vol. 11, No. 8, pp. 464-4741998)(in Japanese

[8] Oda T., “Simultaneous Determination of Control Parameters in Traffic Signal Control Systems”, Transactions of ISCIE, Vol. 14, No. 12, pp. 601-6092001)(in Japanese

[9] Oda T, Otokita T. and Niikura S., “Online Traffic Signal Control for Reducing Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emissions” IEEJ Transactions IA, Vol. 126, No. 11, pp. 1522-15302005)(in Japanese


Conference Papers (International)

[11] Oda T., Takeuchi K. and Niikura S., “Travel Time Measurement Using Infrared Vehicle Detectors”, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Road Traffic Monitoring and Control, IEE, pp. 178-1821996

[12] Oda T., Takeuchi K., Yoshio Y. and Niikura S., “Travel Time Measurement Using Up-link Information from In-vehicle units “, Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology an Automation, Road and Vehicle Safety, pp. 281-2871996

[13] Oda T., Otokita T., Tsugui T., Kono M. and Mashiyama Y., “Optimization of Traffic Signal Control Parameters Using Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1996

[14] Oda T., Takeuchi K., Yoshio Y. and Niikura S., “Evaluation of Measured Travel Time Utilizing Two-way Communication in UTMS”, Proceedings of the Third world Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1996

[15] Kawami A., Kawashima H. and Oda T., “The Analysis for Dynamic Route Guidance System Considering the Influence of Intersections on Ordinary Road Network”, Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1996

[16] Oda T., Otokita T., Tsugui T. and Mashiyama Y., “Application of Simulated Annealing to Optimization of Traffic Signal Timings”, Proceedings of the 8th IFAC/IFORS Symposium on Transportation Systems, pp. 761-7641997

[17] Oda T., Otokita T., Tsugui T. and Mashiyama Y., “Application of Search Methods to Optimization of Traffic Signal Timings in Urban Road Network”, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1997

[18] Kawami A., Kawashima H. and Oda T., “Optimization of Ordinary Road Traffic Flow Using Route Guidance and Signal Control”, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1997

[19] Ikeda R., Kawashima H. and Oda T., “The Coordinated Signal Control Considering Minimization of Fuel Consumption”, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1997

[20] Mashiyama Y. and Oda T., “Real Time Coordinated Signal Controls on Arterial Road”, Proceedings of the 4th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1997

[21] Oda T., Otokita T., Tsugui T., Hashiba K. and Mashiyama Y., “Heuristic Optimization of Traffic Signal Timings in TRANSYT Traffic Model”, Proceedings of the 31st International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation, Logistics Management and Environmental Aspects/ITS/Marketing, Vehicle Finance and Leasing, pp. 89-951998

[22] Oda T. and Takeuchi K., “Driving Safety Support System in UTMS 21”, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1998

[23] Oda T., Otokita T., Tsugui T. and Ichijima S., “Heuristic Optimization of Traffic Signal Timings in TRANSYT Traffic Model”, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1998

[24] Otokita T., Hashiba K. and Oda T., “Travel Time Prediction Based on Pattern Extraction from Data Base”, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM 1998

[25] Mashiyama Y., Kuwahara M., Yoshii T., Niikura S. and Oda T., “Estimating Traffic Demand Using Uplink Information from Infrared Vehicle Detectors”, Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1998

[26] Mashiyama Y., Kuwahara M., Yoshii T., Niikura S. and Oda T., “Estimating O-D Matrix Using Uplink Information from Infrared Vehicle Detectors”, Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Vehicles, pp. 685-6881998

[27] Ikeda R., Kawashima H. and Oda T., “Determination of Traffic Signal Settings for Minimizing Fuel Consumption”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ‘99 on IEEE, pp. 272-2771999

[28] Niikura S., Mashiyama Y., Kuwahara M., Yoshii T. and Oda T., “An Analysis of Estimating Turning Distribution Rate at Intersections”, Proceedings of International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems ‘99 on IEEE, pp. 388-3911999

[29] Oda T. and Tajima T., “Driving Safety Support System for Senior Society”, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1999

[30] Mashiyama Y., Niikura S., Kuwahara M. and Oda T., “Methods of Modifying Uplink Information and OD Estimation”, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1999

[31] Mashiyama Y., Kuwahara M., Niikura S. and Oda T., “Turning Rate Estimation Using Uplink Information”, Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM1999

[32] Oda T. and Tajima T., “Fast Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems in UTMS 21”, Proceedings of the 4th Asia-pacific ITS Seminar2000

[33] Oda T. and Tajima T., “Driving Safety Support System for On-coming Senior Society”, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2000

[34] Mashiyama Y., Kuwahara M., Ikeda R., Oda T. and Otokita T., “Estimation of Traffic Pattern Analyzing Uplink Information”, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2000

[35] Oda T., Otokita T. and Hashiba K, “Simultaneous Optimization of Traffic Signal Timings and Sub-area Decomposition “, Proceedings of the 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2001

[36] Oda T., Otokita T. and Tajima T., “Simultaneous Optimization of Traffic Signal Timings and Decomposition Sub-areas in Urban Road Network “, Proceedings of IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium, CD-ROM2002

[37] Oda T., Otokita T., Kurata K. and Tajima T., “Real Time Traffic Signal Optimization Control in Urban Areas”, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2002

[38] Nakatsukasa T., Takayanagi Y. and Oda T., “Fast Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems”, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2003

[39] Oda T., Otokita T., Iwaoka K. and Kurata K. “Meta-heuristics Optimization of Signal Control and Sub-area Decomposition in Traffic Control Systems”, Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2003

[40] Kurata K., Oda T. and Tajima T., “New Traffic Signal Control Methods and Its Verification in Nagoya”, Proceedings of the 11th world congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2004

[41] Oda T., Kuwahara M. and Niikura S., “Traffic Signal Control for Reducing Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emissions on an Urban Road Network”, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2004

[42] Ikeuchi K., Kuwahara M., Suda Y., Tanaka Y., Chang E., Suzuki T., Kagesawa M., Tanaka S., Nishikawa I., Hirasawa T., Horiguchi R., Shiraishi T., Hanabusa H., Kanasaki H., Ishikawa H., Maruoka K., Honda K., Furukawa M., Kano M., Ueno H., Ohba Y., Mashiyama Y., Oda T., Kenmotsu K., Yamamoto T., Sakai M. and Tsuji M., “Mixed reality Traffic Experiment Space under Interactive Traffic Environment for ITS Research”, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2004

[43] Suda Y., Onuki M., Hirasawa T., Ishikawa H., Kano M., Mashiyama Y., Oda T., Tagaya A., Taguchi T. and Kanki Y., “Development of Driver Model Using Driving Simulator with Interactive Traffic Environment”, Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2004

[44] Oda T. and Niikura S., “Development of a Simulator for Estimating Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Its Use for Evaluating Signal Control Methods”, Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems, CD-ROM2005


Conference Papers (Domestic)

[17] Mashiyama Y., Oda T, Kuwahara M. Yoshii T. and Niikura S., “Uplink Information Processing and OD Estimating”, The Paper of Technical Meeting on Road Traffic and Automobile, IEEJ, RTA-98-024, pp. 7-121998)(in Japanese

[18] Otokita T., Hashiba K. and Oda T., “Travel Time Prediction Based on Pattern Extraction from Database”, The Paper of Technical Meeting on Road Traffic and Automobile, IEEJ, RTA-99-007, pp. 39-441999)(in Japanese

[19] Ikeda R. and Oda T., “Examination of Platoon Dispersion Model in TRANSYT”, The Paper of Technical Meeting on Road Traffic and Automobile, IEEJ, RTA-99-012, pp. 7-121999)(in Japanese

[20] Otokita T., Hashiba K., Fujiwara H. and Oda T., “A Traffic Flow Data Prediction Method Based on Chaos Prediction and Traffic Characters”, The Paper of Technical Meeting on Road Traffic and Automobile, IEEJ, RTA-99-025, pp. 55-601999)(in Japanese

[21] Otokita T., Fujiwara H., Oda T. and Iwaoka K., “An Improvement of Convergence on Optimization Method for Online Real-time Traffic Control System”, The Paper of Technical Meeting on Road Traffic and Automobile, IEEJ, RTA-02-013, pp. 63-682002)(in Japanese

[22] Iwaoka K. and Oda T., “Real-time Optimization Method for Traffic Signal Setting Problems”, Proceedings of Infrastructure Planning, JSCE, CD-ROM2002)(in Japanese

[23] Iwaoka K. and Oda T., “Simultaneous Optimization of Signal Control Parameters and Configuration of Sub-area in Real-time Traffic Control Systems”, Proceedings of the first ITS Symposium, pp. 545-5502002)(in Japanese

[24] Nakatsukasa T., Mori Y., Takayanagi Y., and Nakama Y. and Oda T., “Fast Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems”, Proceedings of 

[24] Nakatsukasa T., Mori Y., Takayanagi Y., and Nakama Y. and Oda T., “Fast Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems”, Proceedings of the second ITS Symposium, pp. 209-2142003)(in Japanese

[25] Ikeuchi K., Kuwahara M., Suda Y., Tanaka T., Edward C., Nordmark S., Kagesawa M., Iwasa T., Tanaka S., Hirasawa T., Horiguchi R., Shiraishi T., Hanabusa H., Ishikawa H., Onuki M., Oda T., Kano M., Kenmochi K., Sakai M., Tsuji M., Furukawa M., Honda K., Mashiyama Y., Maruoka K. and Yamamoto T., ”Public-Private-Academia Partnership ‘Sustainable ITS’ Project”, Proceedings of the second ITS Symposium, pp. 447-4522003)(in Japanese

[26] Suda Y., Ikeuchi K., Kuwahara M., Tanaka T., Edward C., Kagesawa M., Iwasa T., Tanaka S., Hirasawa T., Horiguchi R., Shiraishi T., Hanabusa H., Ishikawa H., Maruoka K., Honda K., Furukawa M., Kano M., Mashiyama Y., Oda T., Yamamoto T., Kenmochi K., Onuki M., and Tagaya A., “Research for Sustainable ITS -Construction of Mixed Reality Interactive Traffic Environment Experiment Space-”, Proceedings of the 12th Transportation and Logistics Conference, JSME, pp. 59-622003)(in Japanese

[27] Oda T., Kuwahara M. and Niikura S., “Traffic Signal Control for Reducing Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emissions on Arterial Roads”, The Paper of Technical Meeting on ITS, IEEJ, ITS-04-025, pp.19-242004)(in Japanese

[28] Oda T. and Niikura S., “Development of Simulator for Estimation of Vehicle Carbon Dioxide Emissions on an Urban Road Network and Evaluation of Signal Control Algorithms”, The Paper of Technical Meeting on TER and ITS, IEEJ, ITS-05-001, pp.1-62005)(in Japanese

[29] Tanaka S., Kuwahara M., Shiraishi T., Kano M., Oda T. and Mashiyama Y., “Evaluation of On-street Parking Bay for Parking Management - Efficiency and Safety Analysis using Mixed Reality Traffic Experiment Space –”, Proceedings of the 4th ITS Symposium, pp. 219-2242005)(in Japanese


Technical Reports

[4] Mugikura T., Kuwahara M., Niikura S. and Oda T., “Traffic Demand Estimation from Beacon Information”, Journal of Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 82-861997)(in Japanese

[5] Oda T., Mori Y., Takayanagi Y., Nakatsukasa T. and Nakama Y., “Fast Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems”, Matsushita Technical Journal, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 82-862001)(in Japanese

[6] Oda T., “Optimization Control of Traffic Flow in Urban Road Networks”, Matsushita Technical Journal, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 82-862001)(in Japanese

[7] Morisaki K. and Oda T., “ITS – Toward for Realization of Safe, Secure and Comfortable Road Traffic Society”, Matsushita Technical Journal, Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 39-442005)(in Japanese


Review Articles

[3] Oda T., “Driving Safety Support Systems”, Journal of UTMS Society Japan, Vol. 4, pp.44-461998)(in Japanese

[4] Oda T., “Fast Emergency Vehicle Preemption Systems”, Journal of UTMS Society Japan, Vol. 7, pp.26-331999)(in Japanese

[5] Oda T., “Traffic Control Systems and Its Future Prospects of Utilizing ITS”, Journal of SICE, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp.226-2312001)(in Japanese

[6] Oda T., “Developments and Perspectives of Traffic Signal Control”, Journal of ISCIE, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp.240-2472001)(in Japanese

[7] Oda T., “Demonstration Experiment on New Signal Control Methods”, Journal of UTMS Society Japan, Vol. 16, pp.10-142004)(in Japanese